Monday, January 7, 2013

And School Begins Again

Winter Semester!
With zero degree weather and a bad night sleep, it was difficult to wake up for my 10AM class.  On top of that, my shower was icy cold and the water pressure was as such that it felt like BB pellets were pelting my back.  On the bright side, I was able to wear my new brown boots and my gray infinity scarf that Santa gave me.  My dark pink hobo gloves finished the out off quite nicely.  After walking up a steep hill in below freezing weather, I was hopeful that the rest of my day would run a little more smoothly....and get a little warmer.
My first class was intermediate French part 1.  My teacher is quirky.  Not the obvious kind of quirky where he is purposefully trying to be witty or unique.  He is more reserved but I found myself laughing constantly.  Thought I am learning the language of love, my execution of the language is not exactly up to par yet.
Second, was Doctrine and Covenants.  My teacher is a spiritual giant.  I made a comment in class today, too.
Shakespeare was next and I could not be more in love with that class...and I have never been a crazy Shakespeare fan.  My teacher took most of class explaining the value of an English major.  So many people have told me that an English major is pointless.  Eat your words, thanks.   Plus, it is a required class for my study abroad!  This April, I will be going to Great Britain and hiking though Scotland, Wales and London!
Finally, I had British Literature part 2.  My teacher listed three rules on the board.
1) You can study literature effectively in a vacuum
2) The knowledge of the class as a whole is more important than the knowledge of the individual
3) Class should never last longer than 15 minutes on the first day of class.
So, after the first 15 minutes, we were released.  It was pretty nifty.
Today was a little chaotic but I have kind of missed being busy.  I would say that today was success!

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