Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why I Chose BYU

When I was accepted into BYU, I didn't really think about why I wanted to go to this school.  I had wanted to come here my whole life and I wanted to be in a LDS environment.  Over the past year and half, my reasons for choosing BYU have become clear to me.  First, it is amazing being around young adults that share my beliefs.  I love be able to talk about the gospel in any situation.  The people at this university, more specifically the people in my ward, have truly strengthened my testimony through their examples.  Second, I love that I can feel the Spirit while gaining secular knowledge.  In all of my classes, we start off with a prayer and sometimes we sing a hymn.  Whether it be French or Astronomy, I feel the Spirit in all of my classes.  Third, there are so many spiritual opportunities at BYU that you can't really find anywhere else.  This morning, I attended the adult session of stake conference.  Elder Bednar was presiding.  Just having him and his wife in the room brought an amazing spirit.  His talk was phenomenal.  He talked about agency and the promises we make when we make covenants with the Lord.  He promised us the same strength that the Prophet and Apostles receive.  What an amazing blessing!  After he spoke, I was able to shake his hand!  I was really nervous and almost started crying when it was my turn to meet him.  He and his wife were so sincere and I felt their love simply through their smiles.  This was my first time meeting an Apostle and it was amazing.  A few weeks ago, President Uchtdorf spoke at a CES fireside, last year President Monson spoke at morning devotional, Elder Oaks has spoken at two firesides and Elder Nelson spoke at a fireside as well.  It is such a privilege to be able to hear the Lord's Apostles so often.  I cannot imagine being as happy as I am at any other school.  I have made amazing and unforgettable memories here and I am so thankful for all of the blessings this school has brought me.  I know that this is a holy place and that the Spirit resides here.  I know that this Gospel is true and that this is the true and living church.  I am so thankful for my Savior who has provided me with the ability to become clean and live with Him and my Heavenly Father again someday.  I am so thankful for personal prayer and revelation and the peace and strength that I receive on a daily basis.  I am thankful for all the blessings and trials I have been given in my life and I look forward to serving my Heavenly Father until I meet him again!  I am so blessed to have the knowledge that families are forever and I am thankful for the wonderful and loving family I have been given.  I know that the restored church is on the earth today and I know that we have a living Prophet who gives us direction from God.  I love this gospel so much and I bear my witness of it in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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