I know that Valentines Day has come and gone but it is one of my favorite holidays so I can't put it on my post back burner. I LOVE VALENTINES DAY. My fourteen year old sister's birthday is on Valentines Day so this holiday has always had a good connotation for me. To me, Valentines Day is centered around family. In my family, we have red and pink mailboxes and through out the month we leave little notes or treats in them. It is so much fun! On Valentines Day, we celebrate Raegan's (my sister) birthday and, at night, we have a candlelight dinner. I think a lot of people dislike Valentines Day because they see it as "Single Awareness Day" and don't realize that you don't need to be in a romantic relationship to enjoy this holiday! Celebrate the relationships that you do have instead of mourning the ones you don't! I love that we can set apart one day to make sure that we show our love to our families and friends. This year I had such an amazing Valentines Day! I absolutely love making valentines. You get to use different colored construction paper and make any kind of card you want! I was able to make valentines, receive them, make yummy pancakes, send a package to my family, receive a package from my family (that included a grow your own boyfriend) and hang out with some wonderful friends. How can you not love this day? You don't have to spend money to make it meaningful. I wish everyday felt like Valentines Day. I mean, why can't it? It shouldn't be hard to show our loved ones how much we care about them. Why not make everyday lovely? I found an awesome quote that I am going to use to make sure that everyday is a good one!
I am blessed to have so many people in my life that I love and that love me. This Valentines Day made me really miss my family but also made me realize how lucky I am to have them. I love them so much! I have so many wonderful friends who mean so much to me. I have met some amazing people this school year and I am so happy to have them in my life. So, next Valentines Day, don't dread it because you are single or whatever your reason, enjoy it! It will become one of your favorite holidays if you do, I promise!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Late Night Poetry
This past weekend has been so uplifting. There were so many wonderful talks at stake conference that left me feelings content with where I am in my life. Last night, however, I found myself slipping into disappointment with a few situations and I began to be frustrated with some of my circumstances. Luckily, before too much damage was done, I caught myself. I was being so ridiculous! I had just had an amazing weekend and within in a couple of hours, I had forgotten everything I had learned. I remembered Sister Bednar's talk and when she said "Enjoy where you are in your life". I thought about what in my life made me happy. As I thought, I began to write. Writing always seems to lift my spirits and gets me out of my head. I ended up writing a poem about a child speaking to Heavenly Father. I felt the Spirit really strong, testifying to me that everything will be alright and that i should be happy with where I am. Here is the poem I wrote; I hope you enjoy it!
The Father and His Child
“Father,” said the child with longing
eyes of blue
“What will my life be like the day
that I leave you?”
The Father took His child up and set
him on His knee
“Oh but don’t you know my child that
that shall never be?”
“But Father,” said the child “is that
not what you said?”
“I’ll go to Earth, for a time, and
return when I am dead?”
The Father took the child’s hand and
put it to His face
“For a time, my darling child, you
will leave this place.”
A single tear began to fall as the
child cried,
“But Father, I ask you please, don’t make
me leave your side!”
The Father wiped away the tear and
said in all his glory,
“My blessed child, don’t you fret and
listen to my story.”
“I love you more than you could see,
more than you could know,”
“I have given you a gift, you see, if
you will let me show.”
“This gift will let you laugh and
play, let you jump and run,”
“And you will be just like me when
all is said and done.”
“You shall have hands to feel and
eyes to look and see,”
“Ears to hear and lips to speak and a mind to help you be.”
“Ears to hear and lips to speak and a mind to help you be.”
“Be what?” asked the small child, as
he hugged Him tighter still,
“To be what you can and will become,
to be and do my will.”
“But how can I do your will, if you
will not be there?”
“How will I act or live or think, if
I’m not in your care?”
“Oh sweet child,” the Father soothed “You
surely sound confused,”
“I will be there to hold you tight
when you’re hurt, broken and bruised.”
“You may not see my face or sit upon
my knee,”
“But still, you will hear my voice,
and you will know it’s me.”
“And what about my brother? Will he
be with me too?”
“Of course He will, my little child,
for He will die for you.”
“He will also come to Earth, like
you, and teach about my plan,”
“And he will die, upon a cross, for
all the sins of man.”
“And with his blood and his tears,
this promise we ensure,”
“That you will always belong to me, and
I’m forever yours.”
The child looked up and wrapped his
arms around the Father’s neck
“I promise Daddy, I will try to make
it safely back.”
The Father kissed the child’s head
and while they were alone,
He held the child close and said “I
will bring you home.”
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Why I Chose BYU
When I was accepted into BYU, I didn't really think about why I wanted to go to this school. I had wanted to come here my whole life and I wanted to be in a LDS environment. Over the past year and half, my reasons for choosing BYU have become clear to me. First, it is amazing being around young adults that share my beliefs. I love be able to talk about the gospel in any situation. The people at this university, more specifically the people in my ward, have truly strengthened my testimony through their examples. Second, I love that I can feel the Spirit while gaining secular knowledge. In all of my classes, we start off with a prayer and sometimes we sing a hymn. Whether it be French or Astronomy, I feel the Spirit in all of my classes. Third, there are so many spiritual opportunities at BYU that you can't really find anywhere else. This morning, I attended the adult session of stake conference. Elder Bednar was presiding. Just having him and his wife in the room brought an amazing spirit. His talk was phenomenal. He talked about agency and the promises we make when we make covenants with the Lord. He promised us the same strength that the Prophet and Apostles receive. What an amazing blessing! After he spoke, I was able to shake his hand! I was really nervous and almost started crying when it was my turn to meet him. He and his wife were so sincere and I felt their love simply through their smiles. This was my first time meeting an Apostle and it was amazing. A few weeks ago, President Uchtdorf spoke at a CES fireside, last year President Monson spoke at morning devotional, Elder Oaks has spoken at two firesides and Elder Nelson spoke at a fireside as well. It is such a privilege to be able to hear the Lord's Apostles so often. I cannot imagine being as happy as I am at any other school. I have made amazing and unforgettable memories here and I am so thankful for all of the blessings this school has brought me. I know that this is a holy place and that the Spirit resides here. I know that this Gospel is true and that this is the true and living church. I am so thankful for my Savior who has provided me with the ability to become clean and live with Him and my Heavenly Father again someday. I am so thankful for personal prayer and revelation and the peace and strength that I receive on a daily basis. I am thankful for all the blessings and trials I have been given in my life and I look forward to serving my Heavenly Father until I meet him again! I am so blessed to have the knowledge that families are forever and I am thankful for the wonderful and loving family I have been given. I know that the restored church is on the earth today and I know that we have a living Prophet who gives us direction from God. I love this gospel so much and I bear my witness of it in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Professional Blogger
I am officially a professional blogger. I am in the club. Well, I am not sure if there even is a professional blogger club but, if there was one, I would be a member. Why? Because I finally have enough posts to have an "Older Posts" button at the bottom of the page! I never thought that I would enjoy blogging as much as I do but it is quite fun. Anyway, I felt like rejoicing for a moment. Hooray for "Older Post" buttons!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
You'd Think I'd Learn
You know the saying "Humans are creatures of habit"? I never really considered myself as one. A creature of habit I mean, I do consider myself a human. Sure, I brush my teeth twice a day, take a shower everyone morning, eat three meals a day (though my ability to do that has been tested since becoming a college student) etc. I have a habit of daydreaming, speaking to fast and taking a nap once a day. However, I wouldn't call those routine or anything. Today, however, I became of one habit that I need to break. When I walk home from campus, I always am listening to music. I have my headphones in, my music up pretty loud and I am completely unaware of the people around me. If I am not listening to anything, I get bored on my walk home. The first time this habit caused a problem was in September. I was walking home from British Literature and I was plugged in, as usual, when I looked to my right and realized that a young man was walking next to me. I took out my headphones because it appeared as though he was talking to me. I smiled and said "Um, hi....were you talking to me?" He looked at me, kind of embarrassed and said "Ya, sorry, I didn't realize you were listening to music." Apparently, he was the kind of person that did not need an acknowledgment to dive into a conversation. What if this guy had been telling me a personal story or something and I had had been unaware? He probably thought I hate him. I apologized and we talked until I reached my apartment. Overall, it was not a terrible experience but I was embarrassed for myself and for the random guy next to me. For about two weeks after that experience, I did not listen to music on my way own. And what would you know, no one else talked to me. I figured that the silence would continue so I returned to my old ways. Today, I was reminded of why I needed to break the habit. I was about two minutes away from home when I felt a tap on my backpack. I turned around a saw a good friend of mine walking behind me. He told me he had called my name but I didn't respond. He was the one who suggested that I probably ignored the stranger man's life story. We only got to have a 30 second conversation and too think it could have been so much longer if I would have stuck with my no-headphones goal! I am going to try and learn my lesson. I would pick a good conversation over a repeated playlist any day!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Beautiful Heartbreak by Hilary Weeks
I absolutely love this song/music video! I saw it a few weeks ago and I found it very inspiring. It makes me quite grateful for the blessings I have in my life and for the knowledge that I can overcome anything :)
Broken Back
Ok, maybe my title is a little dramatic but my lower back definitely feels broken. One of my New Years resolutions was to exercise three to four times a week. I did pretty well the first few weeks but last week I was a total slacker. Yesterday was the first time I went this week....obviously, I am not doing so hot this week either. Anyway, my cousin and I went to the gym that is apart of my apartment complex. We ran on the treadmill for about a half an hour and then decided to use some of the other machines. It sounded like a good idea at the time but I regretted that decision later on. I started out doing some lunges, some arm exercises and some stretches. Then I headed over the ab machine, or whatever it is called. I started doing sit-ups with a decent amount of weight on my back. I was in an ambitious mood so I cranked it up a few levels. Mistake Number One. Once I got used to the weight, I was feeling good about myself so I started doing the sit-ups faster. Mistake Number Two. My back started to hurt but I ignored it. Mistake Number Three. It only took about five minutes after our workout for the pain to set in and for me to realize I was not a smart cookie. By the time we got home, I felt like a 90 year old lady. I woke up this morning, barely able to move. That was fun. I have never been so thankful for heating pads and ibuprofen. On the plus side, I can use my "injury" as bragging rights.
"Ya, so I was working out hard core last night and pulled a muscle in my back." Oh my word, I would never say that. I would feel like such a lame-o. Anyway, that is how I broke my back.....I mean, pulled a muscle. Ya, that doesn't sound as cool. I probably sound like a wimp but the extent of my injuries are a scraped knee or bruise so I feel cool when I have an "injury" worth talking about.
"Ya, so I was working out hard core last night and pulled a muscle in my back." Oh my word, I would never say that. I would feel like such a lame-o. Anyway, that is how I broke my back.....I mean, pulled a muscle. Ya, that doesn't sound as cool. I probably sound like a wimp but the extent of my injuries are a scraped knee or bruise so I feel cool when I have an "injury" worth talking about.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Scare Tactics
This past school year I have become really good at scaring my roommate. Whether it is hiding behind the couch, sneaking under her covers or jumping out when she comes out of the bathroom, I never seem to fail. However, while anticipating the attack, I cannot keep a poker face. My face looks like this while I wait,
My whole body is usually shaking with laughter by the time my roommate is in position. Yet, I still seem to scare her silly every time. Some may think that I am the worst roommate of all time. If you lived in our apartment, you would soon realize that it is a funny site to see. So I love scaring people...I don't consider that a bad thing :) But, I must admit, I can't claim all my tricks as my own. Where do I get my inspiration? Elle Degeneres, duh. She is the queen of pranks. Almost every person who has been on her show has been frightened at some point. My favorite prank was when she scared Taylor Swift. Ellen hid in the bathroom and jumped out and screamed when T Swift walked in. Classic. Take a look.
The Flirting Bible
Last year, my old roommate received this book as a White Elephant present. What a gift. Every night for the next couple of weeks, we would all sit down and study this guide to being a "fabulous flirter". Some of the tips given seemed like they would be affective and others.....not so much. For example, you know that humiliating moment when you walk out of the bathroom with toilet paper on your shoe? Well, according to the Flirting Bible, have no fear. If this happens to you, just casually wait outside the bathroom. If you are lucky, your wonder man/woman will walk by. As they approach, ask if you can use their foot and motion down to the oh-so-obvious tissue. If they are willing to help, they will step on the toilet paper and free you from your doom. To thank them, ask them to buy you a drink, or if you don't drink (like me) ask them to buy you an ice cream cone or something (the ice cream cone was not one of the options in the book but that is what I would ask for). *Que laughter* This strategy is ridiculous to say the least. First of all, what kind of kook wants to stand outside of the bathroom with toilet paper on their shoe? Not me. Second, how long are you supposed to wait there? And, lets be honest, how often do you see your ideal man/woman walk past the bathroom? From my experience, you are gonna be waiting there a long time. Finally, if they are the ones getting the toilet paper from your shoe, why are do they have to buy the drink? Or ice cream cone or whatever. Maybe its just me but I feel like there are some pretty major flaws in this plan. How about avoid the situation all together and do it yourself? Another interesting tidbit I found was the chapter about the male flirting stance. Apparently, when a man is trying to show interest in a woman, he stands a certain way. Here are the steps:
1) His feet will be positioned 18 inches apart
2) A few of his fingers will be in his pocket or in his belt loop
3) His stomach will be sucked in
4) His chest will be puffed out
5) Finally, his eyebrows will be raised
So, I had one of my friends follow these steps and lets just say if any man stood like that he would earn my pity not my interest. Anyway, if you enjoy a good laugh and need a few tips on how to get your flirt on, I highly recommend this guide.
1) His feet will be positioned 18 inches apart
2) A few of his fingers will be in his pocket or in his belt loop
3) His stomach will be sucked in
4) His chest will be puffed out
5) Finally, his eyebrows will be raised
So, I had one of my friends follow these steps and lets just say if any man stood like that he would earn my pity not my interest. Anyway, if you enjoy a good laugh and need a few tips on how to get your flirt on, I highly recommend this guide.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Sweats > Jeans
I am all about being comfortable. I choose sweats over jeans ANY DAY. When I wake up in the morning shivering, thanks to the wonderful Provo weather, who can blame me for wanting to go to school in my warm pajamas? It is times like these were I miss pajama day. I slowly climb out of bed, only to get into a shower that stays warm for five minutes, if I am lucky. So after waking up cold and then taking a cold shower, I have to mentally prepare myself for what comes next: picking out an uncomfortable outfit. No wonder I am not a morning person. Once prepared, I proceed putting on those tight, dreadful jeans. Guys are lucky; their jeans are roomy. Putting on jeans can be a difficult task, especially recently-dried jeans. Once you have both legs in, you have to put your fingers through the belt loops and hope and down to get them on. If they are still too tight, you practically have to do yoga to stretch them out. The beautiful thing about sweats is that you just put one let in and then the other and poof! Life is ten times easier. I'll admit, jeans aren't that bad once you have been wearing them for a few hours. But still. When I get home from wherever I am, I have to force myself to stay in my presentable clothing. Sometimes I can lounge around my apartment for a few hours wearing my jeans but other times I don't last very long. However, changing into comfy clothes has some downfalls as well. I kid you not, the second I put my grungy, baggy clothes on someone decides to come to my apartment. Time is cruel. Maybe it's a sign or something, telling my to wear cute clothes more often. Sometimes, I will wear a scarf with my sweatpants and t-shirt just to feel somewhat presentable. My aunt once told me that you should never even go check the mail with out a good outfit. I laugh when I picture myself walking to the mailbox in a blazer and heels. That is never going to happen. To clarify, I am not saying cute clothes are awful. I like looking cute as much as anyone else. I am not some lazy lady who only sits around eating Cheetos while watching re-runs of Friends....well, I do watch re-runs of Friends but that's unimportant. At the end of the day, comfort is the main goal.
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